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14. The distinctions of admission and studies of foreigners and apatrides.

14.1. Training foreigners and apatrides by “The student” pattern of studies in the military institute is carried out in accordance with the Laws of Ukraine “On Higher Education”, “On the Legal Status of Foreigners Abroad”, “ On Refugees and Persons Which Require Additional or Temporary Protection”, Order of President of Ukraine No. 271 of June 3, 1994 “On the Measures Related to the Development of Economic Cooperation of Ukraine Oblasts with Neighboring Oblasts of the Republic of Belarus and Administrative and Territorial Entities of the Republic Moldova’, Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 684 of September 11, 2013 “On Certain Problems of Admission of Foreigners and Apatrides to Studies’, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1541 of November 1, 2013 “On Certain Problems of Organizing the Admission and Studies (probation) of Foreigners and Apatrides” which was registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine No. 2004/24536 of November 25, 2013 (as revised by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, No. 1272 of December 11, 2015).

14.2. Foreigners and apatrides (further on referred to as foreigners”) can get their higher education at the expense of physical and / or legal entities, unless otherwise envisaged by the international treaties of Ukraine, the consent to be bound by which is granted by Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the legislation or agreements between higher education establishments on international academic mobility.
The admission of foreigners of the military institute for their studies at the expense of public funds is carried on within the framework of quotas for foreigners.

14.3. The foreigners who arrive in Ukraine for their studies enter the military institute in accordance with the education programs (specialities) accredited.
The military institute is entitled to enroll foreigners for studies at the expense of physical and / or legal entities.

14.4. The order and terms of accepting the application forms and documents from foreigners and apatrides who stay on the territory of Ukraine on legal grounds, are established by articles 4.2, 4.4 of Admission Regulations. Carrying out competitive admissions and enrolling this category of applicants at the expense of physical (legal) entities are exercised on general grounds which are specified by the Admission Regulations.

14.5. The Admission Board estimates grades/marks of the applicant on the basis of the certificate of the previous education level and determines the minimum essential values of grades/marks in general educational subjects which serve as entrance exams (“The student” pattern of studies).

14.6. The enrolment of foreigners for studying on the corresponding level of higher education is carried out according to the results of entrance exams and the language of study specified, as well as on the basis of the academic rights to go onto further studies which are envisaged by the certificate of the educational level acquired in the country of origin, as well as with respect to the academic performance grades which grant the right to go onto further studies on the next level of higher education according to the legislation of the country which issued the certificate of the education level acquired.

14.7. All categories of foreigners applying for studies are enrolled to the military institute on the basis of the orders of enrolment compiled in the Common Database (“The student” pattern of education).

14.8. The foreigners granted with state scholarship envisaged by international treaties, nationwide programs, other international liabilities of Ukraine are accepted for studies within the framework of specified quotas for foreigners on the basis of warrants issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

14.9. The foreigners who arrive in Ukraine with the aim of participating in the programs of academic mobility or for obtaining higher education on the basis of coordinated educational programs between Ukrainian and foreign higher educational establishments are accepted for the study with due respect to the appropriate contractual obligations of the military institute.

14.10. When entering the military institute according to “The student” pattern of study, the Ukrainians, residing abroad, who stay in Ukraine on legal grounds and whose status is legalized by the certificates of the Ukrainians residing abroad, exercise the same right of obtaining education as Ukrainian citizens, except the cases specified by the Constitution of Ukraine, laws of Ukraine or international treaties, the consent to be bound by which is granted by Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

14.11. The citizens of Ukraine only are accepted for studies according to “the Military Student” pattern.